
Useful Netflix streaming tips

Netflix has a huge catalog of movies, series, documentaries and more. So, sometimes, finding the perfect thing to watch can be overwhelming. But no more! Read on to learn some useful Netflix streaming tips.


Save some time and learn about some of the streaming platform’s hidden gems.

useful Netflix streaming tips
Learn how to become a better streamer. Source: Adobe Stock.

When you spend an entire day making decisions at work, the last thing you want is to come home and spend even more time trying to decide what to watch before bed. If you’re a Netflix subscriber, you know how overwhelming it can be to choose the perfect thing to watch. That’s why we’ve brought some useful Netflix streaming tips to make it easier.

From deciding what to watch to enhance your experience on the platform, these useful Netflix streaming tips will surely improve the way you use the service. So read on to learn more!

Get external help to find something to watch

One of the most annoying parts of settling into an evening of Netflix (and most streaming services) is finding something to watch. It’s easy to get lost in the endless grid of thumbnails and spend quite some time navigating them before finding what you want to see.

Netflix does have a Surprise Me setting, which picks something out for you based on an algorithm. However, it’s not always the best choice. So, one of the most useful Netflix streaming tips is to get outside help. 

Websites like JustWatch and Flixable not only try to make sense of Netflix’s catalog, but they’ll also show you what’s new and popular. Plus, there are plenty of helpful filters that will let you narrow down your search to find something you really want to watch.

Learn how to unlock hidden genres

useful Netflix streaming tips
You can use Chrome extentions to unlock subgenres. Source: Adobe Stock.

Sometimes you’re in the mood for a specific type of entertainment. Netflix usually displays a handful for easy access, but there are many more hiding underneath the surface. If you usually watch your shows and movies on a computer, this is one of the most useful Netflix streaming tips there is.

That’s because you can manually search for more specific subgenres, or you can use a Chrome extension to find them for you. It’ll surely save you a lot of time when you’re trying to decide what to stream. 

Use keyboard shortcuts on laptops

If you like to stream movies and shows on your laptop, here’s some useful Netflix streaming tips to make the experience even better. You can hit the enter or spacebar keys to pause and play. By tapping the right or left arrow key, you’ll skip 10 seconds back or ahead. 

By holding down the right or left arrow key, you’ll rewind or fast forward the media in 10 second intervals. The up and down key will raise or lower the volume, respectively. The M key mutes and unmutes. The F key will toggle full screen (on and off). Finally, the S key skips a series opening theme. 

Netflix documentaries that can help you make more money

Maybe one of the most useful Netflix streaming tips is using the platform to learn how you can make some extra cash. There are plenty of documentaries available that can help you with your income! Want to learn what they are? Then follow the link below!

Netflix DVDs

Netflix documentaries that can help you make money

Want to make more money? Check out these must-watch documentaries on Netflix. From business and finance to self-improvement, there's something for everyone.

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