
See the top 5 job opportunities in demand right now

There is currently a high-demand for workers in all industries, but according to specialists, it won’t remain so for much longer. To help new job-seekers, we’ve compiled a list of the hottest job opportunities out there, and what employers are willing to pay for candidates with those skills.


The job market is hot, but it won’t remain so for much longer. See the best offers out there right now and how much they pay.

job opportunities
Learn the best job opportunities right now. Source: Adobe Stock.

As inflation in the country continues its 40-year high, more Americans are quitting their jobs or entering the labor market looking for better job opportunities. In a recent report, Pew Research Center discovered that lack of space for career growth, low pay and disrespect in the workplace were the top three reasons so many people quit their jobs in 2021. 

It’s no news that the job market has been on fire for the past few months. However, Giacomo Santangelo – an economist at Monster – says that job-seekers will not keep their upper hand for much longer. So if you’re looking for good job opportunities to increase your monthly income, now is the time to apply and settle. 

Santangelo says the reason people have been comfortable hopping from job to job lately is because they were able to rely on their savings. The fact that so many employers are hiring is also a reason, since it gives people a lot of choices. But, as all things in life, this period of high employability is coming to an end. Due to a worrying volatile economic market, more companies are implementing hiring freezes and waiting for the dust to settle. 

Top five in-demand job opportunities 

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TOP 5 job opportunities. Source: Adobe Stock.

So to help Americans who are looking for better job opportunities, Monster analyzed millions of job postings on their systems and listed the careers with the most openings last month. According to the company, these are the top five jobs employers are offering the most and how much they pay annually.

  • Registered nurse in the healthcare industry. The average pay is $68,237 annually;
  • Heavy and tractor-trailer truck driver in the manufacturing industry. The annual pay is an average of $58,000;
  • Sales representative / manufacturing / wholesale in the manufacturing industry. The average salary is $61,642 per year;
  • Customer service representative in the retail/sales industry. The average pay is $40,444 annually;
  • Software developer in the technology industry. The average salary is $71,958 annually.

A few of these job listings, like software development and nursing have surged in popularity in the last two years because of the pandemic. That is because people became much more dependent on frontline health care workers. Tech workers were also in demand to help build online systems in order to sustain most businesses during lockdowns. 

Santangelo notes that manufacturing jobs like manufacturing sales representatives and truck drivers have seen a more recent increase in hiring. That’s largely due to the supply chain issues that were sparked by the pandemic finally going back to normal. 

For the time being, job-switchers and job-seekers looking for new job opportunities should be cautious in their approach. It’s critical to build a financial safety net now in order to fall back on if a job offer doesn’t go exactly as expected. Santangelo says that people should enter the job market in the same way as preparing for a storm. By now, an economic slowdown seems like a sure thing, but no one knows just how serious it will be. 

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