
Learn which is the cheapest day to fly

Airfare can be quite expensive, especially if you’re not traveling alone. The good news is that there actually is a cheapest day to fly, and we’re going to tell you all about it next!


Planning a trip in advance can help you save a lot of money, and so does choosing the right day to go!

cheapest day to fly
What is the cheapest day to fly? Source: Freepik.

Sadly, we’re almost at the end of summer. With school getting back in session and summer traveling winding down, you might already be planning your next trip for the fall or to spend the holidays with relatives. Booking your plane tickets in advance is a great way to save money, especially if you’re on a budget. But did you know that there’s a cheapest day to fly?

In a recent study, the Google Flights team of experts browsed over five years worth of airfare information to find useful patterns on a series of things. That includes the best time to book your flights, the cheapest day to fly and much more. Keep reading the content below to see what they are. 

So when is the cheapest day to fly?

When looking for plane tickets, most people always try to find the cheapest option. Well, according to Google Flight, it’ll cost you a lot less money if you choose to fly in the middle of the week instead of departing on the weekend.

The study says that flights between Monday and Wednesday are 12% to 20% less expensive than those leaving during the weekend. If you’re planning to take off on a Sunday, Google says you’ll spend even more money than usual. 

If you don’t mind a little extra time to get to where you’re going, booking a flight with a layover instead of nonstop could save you about 20% on a plane ticket. That is if you choose a trip between Monday and Wednesday, which are the cheapest days to fly. 

Is there a cheapest day to buy plane tickets?

cheapest day to fly
Should you purchase a ticket on an specific day? Source: Freepik.

There have been some rumors that it’s cheaper to book a flight on a weekday rather than the weekend. However, that’s not entirely true. The Google Flights team says that there’s not much of a difference in purchasing a ticket on a specific day of the week. 

According to them, if you look at flights during the week and then browse the same flights over the weekend, the price variation is about 1.9%. That’s directly from their data of over five years.

So how far out should you purchase a ticket?

While Google didn’t say how this applies to international flights, you should book domestic trips far ahead instead of waiting for a date closer to your trip. This will help you avoid a potential increase in price. 

The company says that domestic flights are usually cheaper between a month and 60 days prior to the selected date. However, this little trick might not apply to where you’re going, and by applying this method, you’ll end up paying more. 

What are the best places to travel in 2022?

Are you planning a getaway for the holiday season? Now that you know what is the cheapest day to fly, how about learning about some great destinations? If you’re still unsure where to go, we’ve got you covered.

Check the link below to see which are the best places to travel in 2022. From sandy beaches to beautiful capitals, we’re sure you’re going to have a great time whichever way you go!

woman travel island best places to travel

What are the best places to travel in 2022?

You can go anywhere you like and enjoy the amazing opportunities that await you. This article will help you make a better informed decision about where to go!

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