
Twitter Circle: say hello to Twitter’s new global feature

Twitter just launched a new global feature called "Twitter Circle." Here's everything you need to know about it, including how to use it and who you can include in your private group.


With Twitter Circle you can choose who sees your tweets without having to lock your account.

twitter circle
Meet Twitter Circle: Twitter’s new feature. Source: Freepik.

Twitter is launching a new feature called Twitter Circle. The feature allows users to post a tweet and select who can see it on a global scale. The social media company began testing its Instagram-like “close friends” resource with selected users back in May. Now, Twitter’s made its circle available to everyone. 

Currently, users can only build one Twitter Circle and add up to 150 people in it. The company says there’s no restrictions as to who you can add to your Circle. That said, you can show your tweets to whoever you want, be it your best friend or Taylor Swift – although the chances of the latter seeing them is significantly smaller. 

Whoever is within your Twitter Circle will see a green badge under your tweets. That special mark indicates that your post is only available to a certain group of users and not in the public eye. 

Twitter said in a blog post this Monday that you choose whoever you want in your Twitter Circle. Only those within that group can view and interact with the tweets you share with them. 

According to Twitter, users won’t be notified when someone adds or removes them from a Twitter Circle. Another interesting feature is that the platform does not allow a user to leave someone else’s Circle. In order to do so, they’ll have to block the person who added them in the first place. 

Twitter’s new strategy to remain active

There’s no real announcement on Twitter’s behalf about why exactly they’ve introduced this new feature. However, it might be a way the company’s found to stop its users from locking their profile. Having a Twitter Circle keeps the profiles open while still maintaining a certain degree of privacy. 

That is because, like posts made from locked accounts, other users can’t share – or retweet – posts within a Circle. With the rollout, you’ll have the option to share a tweet publicly on your timeline, to your circle or within a community you’re a member of. 

This is just one of the announcements made to improve the social media platform. Last week, Twitter also redesigned its audio tab to upgrade the experience for its users with Spaces. The revamp will introduce different stations on several topics like news, movies, sports and music. 

How to use the new Twitter Circle feature

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How can users take part in this new feature? Source: Freepik.

When you sign into your account, before you make a new post, you’ll be able to see the sharing options above the typing box. By clicking on it, you can choose to share the new tweet with all of your followers or with people within your Twitter Circle. You can choose up to 150 people to add to your Circle and manage it as you’d like. 

Every tweet sent to your Circle will have a green badge underneath them – indicating that only those who you previously selected can see them. Those tweets cannot be shared, or “retweeted”. In addition to that, even if your account is public, tweets within your Circle are private. 

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